#OOOOO - Black
#333333 - Dark Grey
#808080 - Trolley Grey
#CCCCCC - Grey
#DBDBDB- Very Light Grey
#EEEEEE - White
#FF0000 - Red
Bai Jamjuree
Bai Jamjuree Extralight
Global Branding
Landing Titles - Bai Jamjuree, Bold, #EEEEEE, 40px, Line spacing : auto, Upper-case
Section Titles - Bai Jamjuree, Bold, #EEEEEE, 40px, Line spacing : auto, Upper-case
Extra Section Titles Second Line - Bai Jamjuree Extra Light, #808080, 40px, Line spacing : auto
Extra Section Titles First Line - Bai Jamjuree, Bold, #EEEEEE, 40px, Line spacing : auto
Sub-Titles - Bai Jamjuree, #DBDBDB, 25px, Line spacing : auto
Texts - Bai Jamjuree, #808080, 17px, Line spacing : auto
Rich Texts - Bai Jamjuree, #808080, 17px, Line spacing : 1.5
Buttons - ???
Buttons Icon - ???
Official Documents
Title - Montserrat, 20px, Centered
Sub-Title - Semi-Bold, 12px,
Text - Montserrat, 11px, Justified
Images with subjects looking to the right can give an impression of dynamism and action, which is often used to inspire and motivate consumers.
The bird symbolises freedom, speed and a lofty outlook, which is appropriate for an organisation seeking to reach new heights and stand out for its dynamism and ambition.
The bird is drawn geometrically with sharp, angular lines, giving it a modern, clean look.
The contrast between the bright red of the bird and the black background ensures optimum visibility in different lighting conditions and against different backgrounds.
Red is often used to capture attention, many brands use red in their logo and visual identity to convey feelings of dynamism, passion and power.
The logo is composed of simple geometric shapes, making it easy to adapt to different formats and surfaces. It also makes it easily recognisable.